We Will Win's Campaign
Earthquake in Bolder, CO

There was a breaking news report about an unbelievably powerful earthquake that has just occurred in Boulder. According to the newspaper, the city lies in rubble and hundreds of people had died from the earthquake. The damage and the risk of the earthquake were very high in the city of Boulder. How would the campaign respond to this? We will set up groups of people and services that are dedicated to cleaning up the rubble and repairing the damage(if possible) done by the earthquake. We also hope that the city will soon recover from the damage from the earthquake. It is sad that the people who have been hurt cannot come back. Luckily, not any higher number of people got hurt by this disaster. It may take months and lots of money to repair this city, so we need all the help we can get to fix the damage. Things shall return to normal.

Scandal Response
I know that y’all have seen the story about the pictures that have surfaced on the internet that tie the “We Will Win” Campaign’s Manager to the Ku Klux Klan in his youth, and yes, in that picture it was me. But though I was in that photo, it doesn’t mean that I am associated with them. In fact, when that photo was taking, I was trying to get insider info, so I tried to be one of their recruits, but they eventually said no because I was too young.

Dinosaur Rights
We believe in dinosaur rights from all around the world. For winning is not only for people but dinosaurs and animals alike. We are against the abuse of sentient creatures, for it is immoral and cruel. We believe in the right of dinosaurs animals, and people. For winning is for everyone, even dinosaurs.