We Will Win's Campaign

Anthony Piety
Presidential Canidate
I was a Sargent in the army, so I have good decision-making skills and can lead effectively shown from prior experience. I also have experience as a comedian, so it's easy for me to talk in front of crowds. My team of experts and I have already found a greater and more effective way of containing the current pandemic, COVID-19

John Bennett
Press secretary
When I was 13 years old, I had studied English. By 14, I had moved into college. I was studying to become a press secretary. In that career, you are very skilled in speaking for a public figure. So I decided to become a press secretary. In college, I had studied the art of public and political speaking. I had gotten a bachelor's degree in that area. Finally, when I was 20 years old, I got the job of a public speaker as the press secretary. Now that I am the press secretary, my campaign finally has the necessary person needed to speak for the candidate running for President.

Ammon Gaynor
Vice President
By the age of 16, I was at the top of my class. By 18 I was in the military, after entering I decided I wanted to be something bigger, so I left to make a career in politics. I have a record of always winning at things, so it was easy for me to join the party. After winning every small election in the region I felt it was best to go for vice president. When I become vice president, I will be the best at listening to your problems, and will always come up with the winning solution to your problem. I will never admit that I'm wrong at anything. Elect me as your vice president, Let me show you what we can win.

Zander Marshall
Campaign Manager/ Spin Doctor
Throughout my life, I was considered a person that could easily manage a situation, I always had the ability to coax a situation to seem less serious/ be able to favor a race/person. Throughout grades 8-12, I was always asked to have the final verdict on a situation. I was always I always received good grades and did outstanding throughout High School and College. Right out of college, I was invited to a big law firm to help manage and make decisions/ a final verdict.